Members: 4907  Active: 1924

EternalGarment is the very first Muslim Matrimonial Website specifically catered to Muslim Singles and Previously Married Muslims (Divorced, Widowed, Annulled, Reverted, etc). May Allah (swt) bless you for opening up your hearts… Ameen.

The process of finding a good spouse can be difficult enough. With all our experience and seeing on various matrimonial websites, understanding exactly what features and functionalities maximize chances of success while minimizing frustration. This was to especially help to fellow Muslim singles, and Previously Married Muslim brothers and sisters that are looking for marriage in a halal manner. It is my prayer and hope that Allah (SWT) accepts our work, puts barakah in it, and makes it a means of ease and benefit for the entire Muslim community. Ameen.

Members on EternalGarment are generally mature and serious about getting married quickly, and thus are more likely to respond promptly and minimize time waste. This matrimonial website is officially endorsed by numerous Islamic scholars (see Endorsements tab), and is also strictly monitored for respectful conduct, and kept free from scammers.

It is my sincere prayer, that you will find your Eternal Companion very soon insha’Allah, who will bring you much happiness in dunya, and walk together with you into jannah in the akhirah.

May Allah (SWT) grant you success. All the best and happy searching.