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45+ Scholars Scholarly Endorsements

Scholarly Endorsements

"The rate of divorce in Muslim community is rising very high particularly among the youth and newly married...The most difficult time of marriage will be their first two years...expectation is very high and unrealistic...I definitely recommend Eternal Garment" - Shaykh Yaser Birjas, Al-Maghrib Institute Instructor, El Paso, TX.

Below are some initial listing of the Scholars and Islamic community leaders who currently support and officially endorse the matrimonial website. This list will continue to grow rapidly In-Sha-Allah as the word gets to many other scholars and community leaders around the globe.

  • "I encourage all of you to support the Eternal Garment. Not only is this a Matrimonial website, but its a Matrimonial site encouraging members of our community, our brothers and sisters, to follow the ways of Prophet Muhammad SAW".

    Imam Zaid Shakir

    Zaytuna Institute, CA.

    "I am very happy that there is an organization that is targeting this of the best advise I can give for sisters especially, is to make sure a Wali is involved".

    Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

    Al-Maghrib Institute Dean, Memphis, TN.

  • "Some guide lines to using Matrimonial websites; be modest, keep your conversation limited, and be purposeful. Eternal Garment is a very good project, its open platform for every person to use married or not married or previously married".

    Mufti Hussain Kamani

    Imam of Islamic Center of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

    "The rate of divorce in Muslim community is rising very high particularly among the youth and newly married...The most difficult time of marriage will be their first two years...expectation is very high and unrealistic...I definitely recommend Eternal Garment...".

    Shaykh Yaser Birjas

    Al-Maghrib Institute Instructor, El Paso, TX.

  • "When you go to Matrimonial websites, the first thing is to look for website that are trustworthy and doing according Quran and Sunnah. Lot of websites have pictures, fake profiles...the brothers in charge of Eternal Garment are trustworthy so give Eternal Garment a try".

    Shaykh Abdulbary Yahya

    Al-Maghrib Institute Instructor, Seattle, WA.

    Shaykh Omar Suleiman

    "Al-Maghrib Institute Instructor, New Orleans, LA.

    Endorsement at IlmFest 2012:

  • We need more intelligent and relevant projects like Eternal Garment. A respectful matrimonial website for Previously Married Muslims. Awesome idea!

    Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

    Al-Maghrib Institute Instructor, Seattle, WA.

    Endorsement at IlmFest 2012:

    Upon embracing Islam a new Muslim faces many challenges, including the challenge to establish a family and settle down. Some of these new Muslims are [more]

    Dr. Sabeel Ahmed

    Director of ICNA Gain Peace Dawah, Chicago, IL.

    Endorsement at ISNA 0000:

  • is a Muslim Matrimonial website for all Muslims, yet uniquely catered to [Divorced, Widowed, Reverted, etc...] Muslims. This is a great concept and I fully support this project. [more]

    Shaykh Faraz Rabbani,, Toronto, CA

    Eternal Garment is a project long overdue. That Allah has accepted the brothers and sisters behind the project to fulfill a communal obligation of uniting previously married individuals should be testimony itself [more]

    Mawlana Bilal Ali Ansari

    Director of Darul Hikmah Academy. Westmont, IL
  • "Marriage is part of my Sunnah," the Prophet Muhammad SAW said. He also said: "a person who invites towards a virtue is like the one who does a virtue." It is clear from these prophetic statements that we are [more]

    Shaykh Amin Kholwadia

    Director of Darul Qasim Institute, Glen Ellyn, IL

    One of the frequent requests when meeting people during dawah is help in searching for a mate. We are grateful that now along with duas we can offer this wonderful tool, an appealing site, [more]

    Shaykha Asra Adiba

    Author of,
  • Eternal Garment is a unique service for the Muslim community, in that it specifically tailors to the needs of individuals who have been previously married and seek to remarry. The website is efficiently designed.[more]

    Imam Azeemuddin Jawad

    Imam of MSI Mosque, Glendale Heights, IL.

    Imam Faraz Ahmad

    Director of Darul Mahmood Inst, Prior Lake, MN.

    Successful and productive marriages are an essential element for the Muslim community to move forward. This can only be possible if Muslims and Muslimahs choose Qur'an and Sunnah as the [more]

  • May Allahu Taala bless this endeavor with success. This is, n fact, an obligation and pressing need of our communities. We should give our support and make Dua that Allahu Taala will put barakah in these [more]

    Imam Abdul Hakim Dickenson

    Imam of Masjid Uthman, Lombard, IL.

    Br. Musleh Khan

    Instructor of Al Kauthar Institute, Toronto, Canada.

    "No matter how much we do, the stigma attached to re-marrying is always negative and often silenced. Muslims throughout the world are grateful for[more]

  • Shaykha Asra Adiba

    Director of Darul Qasim Institute, Glen Ellyn, IL

    "Marriage is part of my Sunnah," the Prophet Muhammad SAW said. He also said: "a person who invites towards a virtue is like the one who does a virtue." [more]

    Imam Tahir Anwar

    Imam of South Bay Islamic Association, San Francisco, CA.
  • Shaykh Abdur Rahman Khan

    Ex-Resident Scholar IFS Mosque, Villa Park, IL.

    Br. AbdelRahman Murphy

    Instructor Qalam Institute, Knoxville, TN.
  • Br. Hooman Keshavarzi

    Director of Khalil Counseling Center, Roselle, IL

    Dr. Altaf Hussain

    Member of Board of Trustees ISNA, Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Br. Khalid Herrington

    Therapist and Counselor, Khalil Center, Roselle, IL.

    Imam Siraj Wahhaj

    Imam of Masjid Al-Taqwa, New York, NY.
  • Imam Yaseen

    Imam of Plano Mosque, TX.

    Junaid Jamshed

    Internationally renowened nasheed artist from Pakistan.
  • Imam Suhaib Webb

    Imam of Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, MA