Members: 4935  Active: 1941
Wedding Success Story

Alhamdulillah, to our knowledge, a few members have already found their matches on Some of our members were gracious enough to share their testimonial / feedback publicly. As more members find success and grant us permission to share their feedback and success stories, we will insha’Allah continue to add to this Testimonials page.

Submit your success story

  • Great website and happily married

    Ash, London , Fulham, United Kingdom

    Alhamdulillah Jazzak Allah khairan I am happily married

    Shaima, Berlin, Germany

    I thank Allah SWT for introducing me to this site. I wish them the very best. Will make a lot of Duas for EG to succeed and I wish everyone good luck and ask Allah SWT to help ya'll find your soulmate like I did. Ameen!

    Milfar, Plano, Texas, United States

    "This is a success story. My husband and I met on this website back in 2014. We got married back in 2015. Alhamdulilah wah shukr, we are happily married until now. When I asked him why he choose this website, he said, it was the endorsement of all the scholars that attracted him to this website. This website was an easy to use website. Alhamdulilah, I have found my soulmate. If it wasn't will for the mercy of Allah swt and this website, we would not have met. I would like to remind my single sisters out there, please don't disregard the messages in your inbox nor be afraid to initiate a conversation first. I was the one who messaged my husband now, (back then, he was just another username), inshallah. I continue to make dua for our single brothers and sisters. It's a difficult journey but well worth it. alhamdulilah. Please make dua for us."

    Mrs. M , Ontario, Canada

    "First and foremost, I would like to praise you all for your noble efforts in helping people get married, especially, divorced people. It is a little challenging for divorced people to get married especially with a big DIVORCE label on you. But you have made it easy for us to help us connect with people of similar backgrounds for the purposes of marriage. I wanted to also mention removing someone else's distress, Allah will remove your distress in this world and in the hereafter. Eternal Garment Strives to make this happen."

    Sr. Shireen Ahmed, Ontario, Canada

    "May Allah bless and reward all who were, and are involved with this wonderful service. I have used several other websites in the past such as Single Muslim or Half our Deen, but none were like EternalGarment. On the other websites, there were too many fake profiles, and people were on those sites either to play around, or worse, illicit purposes. On those other websites, one "sister" once asked for money to be wired for "her sick grandma". Alhamdulillah I did not fall for it, but I hope that your staff continues to do what you’re doing with EternalGarment, because it felt safe using your website and profiles all seemed real. At least the ones I contacted. On EternalGarment, alhamdulillah I met a wonderful sister, and inshallah our Nikah contract is this month. Your duaa will be appreciated, and I pray inshallah that Allah again blesses everyone involved with this project."

    Br. Abdullah Haaris, Chicago, USA

    It has been 2 years since I got divorced. We do not "plan" to have problems in our married life when we tie the knot, yet when such calamities do occur, it is a blessing to know that there are people out there who care enough to try and bring back the happiness that we’ve somehow lost over the years. I am not the kinda person who would join a website to find ‘a perfect match’... yet when I heard about Eternal Garment and checked out their website I knew why everyone had been raving about them. Alhamdolillah Eternal Garment is probably the only matrimonial service that caters to individuals who have gone through some form of relationship issue. The best part is that they never let you access other profiles until you make a legitimate one of your own. You can be assured there are no fake individuals here. These are all real people with real issues, here for a good reason. Everything on the website is well listed, and every little detail is properly highlighted. I am confident that with the efforts of Eternal Garment, everyone using their service will find their soul-mate real soon InshaAllah. (So many already have, Alhamdolillah!).

    Holy Prophet SAW said, “One who helps someone in his need, Allah helps him in his work, and one who removes any worry or trouble of any Muslim, Allah SWT, in return, removes anyone of his worries on the Day of Judgment". (Abu Daud, Kitab-al-Adab, Bad-al-Muwakhat)

    "Those who help others are truly much blessed," as the Hadith says, “The best among people are those who are useful to others.”

    I wish EG the very best, tons of success and send you a whole lot of duas - May Allah SWT bless you for setting out on such a noble cause - and I thank you for your relentless efforts on making this website even better every day. Keep up the good work. Two Thumbs up! Salams.

    Pakistan, Sr. Huma Habib